Missouri Department of Conservation Predicts Peak Fall Colors at the Lake of the Ozarks!

Fall is an absolutely gorgeous time of year to visit the Lake of the Ozarks! The weather is beautiful and the Ozarks region boasts many trees, shrubs, and vine varieties making our fall colors phenomenal. In fact, USA Today named Lake of the Ozarks one of the best destinations for leaf-peeping by boat! Read on to learn more about when the leaves will peak and the best ways to enjoy the gorgeous scenery around the Lake of the Ozarks! 

Photo Credit: Funlake.com 

Missouri Department of Conservation Resource 

The Missouri Department of Conservation has a handy guide on their website that gives lots of great information for when the leaves will peak throughout the state. They predict that the Lake of the Ozarks is at it's peak or getting very close! 

From the Department of Conservation

"Now is a great time to explore nature in central Missouri. The weather is beautiful, and most of the tree species are at or near peak color. Oaks are the exception; they remain green the longest. Some oaks are starting to realize it is autumn, though, and a few of their leaves are turning. Most of the hickories are vibrant and yellow. In the north part of our region, sugar maples in the woods are yellow, while those exposed to sunlight have splashes of orange, particularly in towns. In the south part of our region, red maples and black gums are turning red. Dogwoods are dark red, and those in the south are reported to be particularly purple this year. Many walnuts and sycamores are becoming bare, but some to the south are still holding on to yellow leaves. Fragrant (aromatic) sumac — a common native shrub — shows a rainbow of colors under the canopy of the trees. A walk in the woods now has the familiar autumn crunch underfoot, and the next week or so should be the best time to enjoy fall color."

If you are curious about when different parts of the state will peak their fall colors, make sure to check out their website for some more great information! 

Source: https://nature.mdc.mo.gov/discover-nature/fall-colors

Take a Boat Ride to Bridal Cave! 

Bridal Cave is located on the 10 1/2 MM on the Big Niangua Arm of the Lake of the Ozarks and our boat dock makes visiting us by water easy. Why not take a boat ride to Bridal Cave, take a tour, and see all of the fall colors above and below ground.

During your boat ride, you can expect to see black gum, hickory, sweetgum, red maple, dogwood, buckeye trees, and more - all of which make for a beautiful fall landscape!

Thunder Mountain Park

Thunder Mountian Park is an excellent place to explore the fall colors. Once you dock your boat, head up to the visitor center and get your tickets for one of America's most scenic cave tours. Our cave is one of the best-decorated caves in the US and there are even some gorgeous fall colors underground! Due to the minerals, iron oxide, calcium, and manganese, the cave is decorated with vibrant colors of white, orange various, reds, and grey. 

After your cave tour, if you'd like to see even more fall foliage, we have a 1/2 mile nature trail that winds through the woods and overlooks the lake! 

Ha Ha Tonka

This state park is a favorite of locals and visitors alike. It marvelously combines the lake's natural beauty with an intriguing history. Fall colors abound, and there are a series of trails and boardwalks carved out so you can easily explore for hours. There is a wonderful spring trail to experience, and you can climb the 316 steps to the trails leading to the castle ruins on the bluff, or skip the climb and drive to the trails up top.

Lake of the Ozarks State Park

This state park boasts miles and miles of untouched nature to explore in a variety of different ways. There are trails to hike or bike, and even ride horses. You'll find open woodlands, sunny glades, small springs, streams, and bluff-top views. Camping is even available to those wanting to spend an autumn night under the stars.

Visit Bridal Cave this Fall!

Make your plans to swing by our scenic Lake of the Ozarks attraction while you're in the area enjoying all of that breathtaking fall beauty that Mother Nature has given us. It's a perfect activity for everyone to enjoy. Enjoying a boat ride to Bridal Cave is, of course, the best way to come but we can be reached by land too! Come see us and have some Family Fun... As It Should Be! 

One of America's most scenic 
cave tours.

Visit us at www.BridalCave.com
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526 Bridal Cave Road
Camdenton, MO 65020

(573) 346-2676
