Bridal Cave's Very Own Weather Station

Making plans to visit the Lake of the Ozarks is often dependent on the weather forecast. Sometimes that can be difficult because, as the old saying goes, "If you don't like the weather in Missouri... wait a few minutes!" We can have cold winds and ice one day, then warm sunny skies the next. This is never a problem if you want to explore Bridal Cave because it is always a perfect 60 degrees inside the cave. If you want to hike around Thunder Mountain Park, an accurate forecast will come in handy. In the past, getting a weather update for the Lake of the Ozarks has been a challenge. Generally, sources for the forecasts in the Lake area are located at least an hour away. National weather networks can be reporting from much farther than that. Your favorite Lake of the Ozarks attraction has solved this problem for you! Bridal Cave is very proud to have a Rainwise weather reporting station located right here in the park. ...