Don't Miss Our Amethyst Cathedral Sale!

Bridal Cave & Thunder Mountain are well-known for being gorgeous scenic Lake of the Ozarks attractions , but some people may not realize what an excellent Lake of the Ozarks gift shop we have. You will find lots of wonderful souvenirs to remind you of your visit, including a large variety of incredible rocks, minerals, and gemstones. Right now, all of our fascinating Amethyst Cathedrals are on sale at 25% off of the retail price. You will not find a better price anywhere else on these Grade A Brazilian Amethyst Cathedrals. We expect to sell out quickly at these amazing prices, and quantities are limited, so you'll want to come on over and check them out soon. Amethyst Traits Amethyst is a semiprecious stone that can credit its beautiful color to irradiation, iron impurities, and the presence of trace elements. Its name comes from the Ancient Greek: "a" meaning "not" and "methystos" meaning "intoxicated." Greeks ...