Life Inside the Cave

Cave Salamander There is life inside of Bridal Cave , but much of it is rarely seen. When you walk through one of mid-Missouri's most scenic cave tours , you are only viewing a small portion of the vast cave that lies beyond. Biospeliology is the study of organisms that live in caves. These scientist have provided us with lots of information about the living organisms that live both in and around caves in Missouri. Biospeleologists seperate the things that live in caves into three categories: Troglobites - Organisms that would not be able to survive for very long outside of the cave. (white and blind cavefish, millipedes, crustaceans (crayfish, isopods, and amphipods) and planaria) Troglophiles - Those that live in caves, but are not restricted to them. (pigmented amphipods, isopods living in cave streams and cave pools, fish that move up streams into caves and many insects) Trogloxenes - Anything that spends a large portion o...