Leadership Camden County – Class XXIIII is Coming to Bridal Cave!
This coming Thursday, April 4th we are looking forward to hosting Leadership Camden County - Class XXIII at our natural attraction at the Lake of the Ozarks ! Leadership Camden County is a program put on by the Camdenton Area Chamber of Commerce and the University of Missouri Extension of Camden County. We honored that they chose to come to Bridal Cave as part of their Natural Resources Day designed to teach Lake Area community leaders about our natural resources in Camden County. Read on to learn more about what Leadership Camden County is and what we have planned for them at our cave at the Lake of the Ozarks ! Leadership Camden County Class - XXIV What is Leadership Camden County? Leadership Camden County is a 9-month program, meeting one day a month, where participants have the opportunity to learn more about our local community, including history and natural resources; state government; social services; health care and education; economic dev...